ICU4PAS is an Object Pascal, cross platform,
Direct Class Wrapper
over the mature and widely used set of C/C++ ICU
libraries providing Unicode support, software internationalization(i18n) and globalization (g11n),
giving applications the same results on all platforms.
You can use it on Windows with Delphi and FreePascal and on Linux with Kylix and FreePascal.
ICU4PAS provides completely (100%) the same API interfaces as the C/C++ version, including the object oriented API interfaces (headers for whole library has been ported). Source code distribution comes with all samples ported natively to the Object Pascal language, including the Unicode Layout demo. ICU4PAS is released under a nonrestrictive open source license that is suitable for use with both commercial software and with other open source or free software. Read more about ICU at:
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2007 © Milan Marusinec alias Milano