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TemlCode Section

Section is the highest level structural element. It's purpose is to divide a whole TemlCode file into the smaller units called Sections. A single section is then used to contain a coherent piece of information like a page of document, embedded image or data, drawing, configuration, data definitions, source code of some program and so on. This way a project, which would otherwise in XML (or HTML) consist of several files, can be combined into the one single continuous file, where project subfiles are stored in particular sections. TemlCode has possibilities on how to avoid potential breakage on the markup code logic, when incorporating external files even the ones with unknown syntax.

Section starts with Section Start Tag and ends on nearby occurence of another Section Start Tag or on it's counterpart Section Exit Tag (which can be in short or named form). The space before the first section in file is called "White space".

Section can start and exit anywhere in the TemlCode data stream regardless of line ends. Section Markup Tag can even cross over multiple lines if needed (due to parameters definition).

Syntax of Section Start Tag
~\ Id & [Label] + [Properties] \
"@" & ( Name | StringFF )
& [ "." & ( Name | StringFF ) ]*
& [ ":" & ( Name | StringFF ) ]
< Parameter [ ";" Parameter ";" ... ";" Parameter [";"] ]>


Id of Section Start Tag denotes some class - a general group of use, to which the whole section relates.

This part of Tag syntax is mandatory.


Label names particular Section Start Tag in namespace of given Id class. If there are more occurences of the same Id@Label Section Start Tags, processing application should treat such cases as a continuation from one section part to another.

This part of Tag syntax is optional.


Properties allows for additional attribution of aspects related to a particular block of data, which the appropriate section embraces. It can be also used to pass a custom data into the section, the same way it is possible to do in programming languages. All this behaviour depends on processing application.

Properties syntax is exactly the same, as described in previous chapter about TemlCode Properties. There is only one little syntactical difference - no prepending "~" Tilde character is used to define properties enclosed in "< ... >".

This part of Tag syntax is optional.
TemlCode Example of various Sections and their use

 This is a White Space before any Sections.

~\text@"About Apple Fruit":version_015\

 The apple is the pomaceous fruit of the apple tree, species Malus
 domestica in the rose family Rosaceae. It is one of the most
 widely cultivated tree fruits. The tree is small and deciduous,
 reaching 5 to 12 m tall, with a broad, often densely twiggy
 crown. The leaves are alternately arranged simple ovals 5 to
 12 cm long and 3–6 cm broad on a 2–5 cm petiole with an acute
 tip, serrated margin and a slightly downy underside.

 Image of the Apple: 
~(image <ref=jpeg@apple.jpg>)

 Author: ~(insert <ref=text@copyright_info#name="John Smith">)

jpeg@apple.jpg <format=JPEG;width=50;height=45;encoding=base64>\


~\text@copyright_info <#name : CharString >\

 Copyright 2008 by ~(#name), All rights reserved.


 This is a White Space after all Sections.

Section Exit

Section Exit Markup Tags can be either in Short form or in Named form. If there are no Section Exit Tags, current Section is valid until another Section Start Tag or till the end of file.

Short Form

Syntax of Short form of Section Exit Tag

This short form closes nearby Section found by tracing back for the first unclosed Section. When found, all space after this Short form of Section Exit Tag becomes a White Space.

Named Form

Syntax of Named form of Section Exit Tag
~\~Id & [Label] \

This named form closes nearby Section found by tracing back for the first unclosed Section, which matches the Id@Label definition. When found, all space after this Named form of Section Exit Tag becomes a White Space. Label definition is optional and when not present, backtracked for closure is first Section Start Tag of matching Id class.

Besides a possibility of exact Section Exit Tag definition, this allows for creation of nested sections, where the scope of validity of child sections is demarked by scope of validity of it's master sections.
TemlCode Example of Sections nesting

  A Zone


  B Zone


  C Zone


  D Zone


  E Zone

In this example, the A & E Zone are White Spaces, "text@subject.master" section is valid through B, C & D Zone, "text@subject.child.1" section is valid in C Zone and "text@subject.child.2" section is valid in D Zone.

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TemlCode Structures

  Generated from TemlCode based document. Graphics on this page is rendered with CrossGL SDK. Last page update: 19.8.2011