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Periodic Timer Alarm

Periodic Timer is a special type of recurrent alarm, which allows for specifying irregular and also very small intervals (eg. on each second).

To use this alarm, select it from the list of alarm types [4].

The repetitions of alarm start each day on specified time [1] and progress by incrementing from that starting time in defined intervals [2]. Use the [3] slider to change the time units.

You can limit the number of repetitions by checking on the Max runs [5] checkbox and defining the amount of runs [6].

The Alarm Text [8] is optional.

If you want to see anytime, when the periodic alarm will run, just check the Due List [9].

You can even further specify the days to run the alarm. Either select particular days in the Days In Week [7] section, or click on the Details [10] tab to setup a more specific resolut

Note: Days in Week [7] and Details [10] tab are available when the Advanced Options [11] is enabled.

2005 - 2011 © MicroInvention Ltd., VectorGraphica™, CrossGL ®

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Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7
(works in both
32 & 64 bits
Current Version
Price: $24.95
Trial Period:15 Days
Version: 2.20
File Size: 10,4 MB
Last Update: 8 May 2011
Version history
  Generated from TemlCode based document. Graphics on this page is rendered with CrossGL SDK. Last page update: 19.8.2011